Topics and Main speaker

The main speaker at the evening conferences will be Jim Murphy.
Topic of conferences: Messenger of Hope

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Jim Murphy comes from Wyandotte, Michigan (USA), and is the founder and head of the Vera Cruz Communications organization, whose goal is to proclaim God’s love proven by Jesus on the cross.
He serves in the Church on many levels: parish, diocesan, state, international. He served in the pastoral team, creating educational programs for youth and adults.

He was the founder and served for many years in the National Committee of Service for Catholic Renewal. He was the last president of the ICCRS (International Renewal Services in Vatican) before its transformation into CHARIS.

  The topic of the meeting – in reference to the topic of preparations for the 2025 Jubilee – will be “Messenger of Hope”. Just like Saint Joseph was such a messenger – accepting the mission of father and protector of God’s Son – we want to learn how to bring hope to our families, parishes, the Church and the World. Today there is less and less hope in the world. Covid, wars, polarization and attacks by opposing camps make it difficult for us to find hope. And even if it does appear, it is drowned out by mainstream media and information bubbles on social media. Where can we look for hope to fill ourselves and carry on to our families and the world? We will be advised by Jim Murphy, who in 1992, inspired by the letter “Heritage and Hope” of American bishops, undertook a 6,700 km long journey with a nearly 2-meter cross, praying for evangelization. The journey took him 6 months.