Accommodation type Bed & Breakfast: Ordered in the registration form. The first batch is at Villa Letizia Roma, address: Via Diomede Marvasi, 30, 00165 Roma RM, Italy. Price: single room (45 euros/person/night), double room (40 euros/person/night), multi-person room (30 euros/person/night). Accommodation can be arranged independently by indicating this in the form. Once the places at Villa Letizia are exhausted, other facilities will be added.
Charges for accommodation / catering / donations.
Payments in EURO can be directed to the account:
PL 45 1950 0001 2006 0066 8418 0004 EUR
Association of Saint Joseph’s Men
ul. Zamoyskiego 2, 30-523 Kraków
Title: ROME2024.INFO – Name and Surname
Payments also acailable to our account by conotoxia transfer