Withdrawal from the Registration, complaints.


Registrants participating in the Conference have the right to resign from participation.
Resignation should be reported via e-mail to: info@rome2018.info.

Resignation for 4 weeks (or more) before the conference allows you to return the fee (or advance) paid in full.
Resignation for 2 weeks (or more) before the conference allows you to refund 70% of the incurred fee (or advance payment).
Resignation for one week (or more) before the conference allows you to pay 50% of the incurred fee (or advance payment).
The resignation for 3 days (or more) before the conference allows you to return 30% of the incurred fee (or advance payment).
Resignation less than 3 days before the conference does not guarantee a refund of the fee.
Returns are generally made using the same channel as the payment, unless the parties decide otherwise.

Complaints should be reported via e-mail to complaint@rome2018.info